
The most versatile flanger effect out there
Flangers are tools with a specific character and are indispensable for guitars, and a wide range of other instruments. MFlangerMB is the top class representative, which will beat every other flanger on the market in terms of both audio quality and features.
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Multiband processing and crossovers
Multiband processing and crossovers

Audio quality first

MFlangerMB features up to 16x upsampling, sinc-interpolation, analog-style saturation and other features. The results will satisfy everyone searching for the maximum audio quality.

6 bands with custom shape and other advanced features

MFlangerMB provides way more than common flanger effects. Features such as custom oscillator shapes, analog-like saturation, jet (additional tremolo), synchronization you can rarely find anywhere-else. And with 6 bands you can really start being creative.

Modulation heaven

Does you music sound a little static? Well not anymore. You can modulate any parameter, and each modulator can work as an LFO, audio level follower, enveloper, randomizer and even pitch detector.

Audio examples

  • Bass guitar
  • Distortion guitar
  • Lead
  • Organ
  • Suitcase
  • Bass guitar - Atmosphere
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Bass guitar - Decision
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Bass guitar - Influence
    • WET
    • DRY
  • Bass guitar - Superchorus
    • WET
    • DRY


"There's not a single Flanger plugin out there, paid or free, that can beat what MFlangerMB can do!"

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